Tour the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary

The Redwood Region Audubon Society offers bird watching tours every Saturday at 8:30 a.m., which begin at the Klopp Lake parking lot end of So. I Street.   Friends of the Arcata Marsh lead walks in the marsh, rain or shine, Saturdays at 2 p.m. Marsh Interpretive Center. 569 South G St.   This is a prime spot for birding, hiking (all easy hikes) and great views of the Arcata Bay. At any time of the year birds or mammals can be viewed from one of the many trails that network the over 225 acres that are open to the public.

Located at the north end of Humboldt Bay, the sanctuary is situated along the Pacific Flyway, a major migratory route for thousands of birds that breed in the far north and winter in California, Mexico, and Central and South America. These wetlands provide homes and migratory resting places for over 270 species of birds.   The Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary is a world famous innovative wetland system built as a cost-effective and environmentally sound wastewater treatment solution. In addition to effectively fulfilling wastewater treatment needs, it provides an inspiring bay view window to the benefits of integrated wetland enhancement and wastewater treatment.

The Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center on South "G" Street has a bookstore, free maps and literature, interpretive displays, bird lists and log of recent bird sightings.

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